South Grafton Public School

Inspiring excellence through PRIDE

Telephone02 6642 3388

Online learning


SGPS offers excellent online learning programs for our staff and students to access.


Google Classroom

Information on Google Classroom

During Learning From Home our teachers, Kindergarten to Year 6 utilised google classroom to support online learning. Teachers delivered a variety of daily tasks for students to undertake. Once completed student  submitted their finished work for marking and feedback.

Parent Guide to Google Classroom

How to log on to Google Classroom



Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs


Reading Eggs is the online reading program that helps students to read at South Grafton Public School. Reading Eggs is offered for all students K-2  and selected students in Years 3-6.

Students can access hundreds of online reading lessons, phonics games and books.

Students can sign in using their Reading Eggs password.




Library with Mrs Heyman

Link to Library resources

The South Grafton PS Library is a welcoming, well-resourced, engaging, vibrant space that offers a broad literature-based and modern technology-focused learning environment. The website can be viewed here and by navigating the menu down the left hand side you can access many useful literature and technology resources and websites. Have a look today!

Any questions please contact Mrs Heyman at school or via email at



Mangahigh problem solving



SGPS offers students in Year 3 to Year 6 the opportunity to utilise the outstanding Mangahigh Maths Problem Solving Program as part of their daily learning.

Students can log in using their Mangahigh password.




World Book Encyclopedia online

World Book Encyclopedia Online


SGPS has subscribed to World Book Online and this allows all students to access this resource at school and at home for no charge. To logon (using the same username and password students use at school).